January 25, 2014

  • Pet Peeves

    IMG_3222Several on Xanga are doing a list of pet peeves. It is more about the person who makes this out; then the actual peeve.

    I think everybody should be halfway intelligent and informed about the world around them.

    I don't like quitters.

    I don't like people who hop up and down all the time; when a meeting starts you should be on time and sit down and stay down.

    Oh, I don't like people always on their car phones. I leave mine in the car recharging.

    I can't think of anything else right now cause I try to give others a break and hope they will do the same for me.



Comments (10)

  • In my town it is a felony to talk on the phone while driving. I too cannot stand people when they are yakking away on the phone instead of paying attention to the traffic or the road.

    • I was just thinking about talking on the phone every where in public. I remember a comedian asking what is so important that you have to call people and talk constantly. I think you could wait until you get home.
      I usually get in my car and call my hubby and say, "I'm leaving the book club and coning home." that takes a second after you get in the car. It's probably cause we grew up without the car phones but it's just a nice thing to have.

  • We have many of the same peeves! hehe! I wonder if a quitter that quits quitting would make my list??

  • Thanks for the warning. lol

  • My pet peeve right now is the incompetence of people in the workplace, especially our local community college. What are those people doing? Sitting around playing video games? So many people these days just don't care about quality, customer service, finishing a job...Okay, I'm done. LOL!

    • yes, at the antique mall we try to help the customer and I always say,"ya'all come back." when I was a kid they would always say that here in Texas.

  • I try to live and let live, but people who act above it all are most annoying.

    • I've worked with dr. all my adult life and they never acted that way but were always interested in knowing more about people and their interest.
      I never felt less then with them.
      usually the ones who act better then others are insecure in themselves and I know what you mean.

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