December 26, 2013

  • I remember when ...


    I remember when people could wait until they got home to call someone.

    When things weren't that important that you didn't have to call someone right away to tell them something.

Comments (12)

  • My wife use to just talk in the morning over coffee---Now we are using cell phones and I Pads while we talk and I am 80 years old. I am acting like teenagers in church Messaging during the sermon. lol I love teens.

    Happy New Year.


  • We had a white elephant gift exchange and my husband got a phone - with a CORD to a HANDSET! the kids were all curious...

    • we call them landline here and I called those walkie-talkies. Everyone asked when the electricity was off for days during the tornado how our phone still worked? We had a corded phone and just the cordless.

  • Very nice pic!

  • I remember when "Dinner will be ready in an hour." was not a sign of the cook being lazy.

    • my son's job sometimes brings him to Cleburne and he was call and come by the house. Once it was 3:30pm and I had dinner cooking and he said,"mom, tell me that isn't dinner cooking." I said,"well, I have nothing else to do so yes, it is." They don't eat till they both get home from work of course.
      Yes, I remember mom making us wait to eat and I would be a child and thought I was starving and would sneak some soda crackers.

  • I too cannot figure out what is so important to talk about for hours every day.

    • I never did like talking on the phone when I worked and sometimes pts. said,"you sound like a broken record." You tell people the same thing everyday. If you are worried about it then you need to come in and if you can't wait for an opening then you need to go to the E.R. but if you need a reorder on a med. just call the pharmacy and I can ask the dr. that question but if we don't call you back till the end of the day it's because we're busy with pts. ETC. LOL

  • I remember listening to the neighbors on the party line. Some old ladies did talk for hours (I think) which was very annoying when we wanted to call someone! :-)

    • I remember the party line kept picking up on me while I was talking and I was so young and dumb I thought they just wanted to ease drop on us.
      They wanted us to get the hell off. My mom put a timer with the phone and made us get off but that was good now that I look back.LOL

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